September 29, 2011

Marquese Scott's dance moves

This man's dance moves are hypnotizing and defies all laws of physics. His nickname is "NONSTOP", and is part of a dance crew called "REMOTEKONTROL".

VRHF - Plunge

A very strange short.

VRHF - Plunge from VRHF on Vimeo.

September 28, 2011


A great short with very strong body language.

Blik from Polder Animation on Vimeo.


September 27, 2011

AM Marathon

Hello dear follower.

Working full time this week does not allow me to focus properly on this animation challenge. The original idea, was to do to one "week" in a single work day rather than in a few rushed hours after working full-time while also missing-out on possible family time. The idea is to learn through this rather than exhausting myself on both a professional and personal level.

As I am working all week, there will be no further updates until monday October 3rd.

See you then! 

September 26, 2011

AM Marathon: Class 01 - Week 06

Hello there dear reader,

As this week I am working full time, the assignments will be uploaded a little later than usual. As far as this assignment, there will be some revision done on the arm animation, as it still is in somewhat rough form.

Super Smash Land

Super Smash Land for PC, and it free! More info here.


Sprout from EGant on Vimeo.

September 23, 2011

Is That A Fish In Your Ear?

Animation – Is That A Fish In Your Ear? – David Bellos from Penguin Books on Vimeo.

AM Marathon: Class 01 - Week 05

Today's job was to animate a bouncing ball going through an obstacle course, and coming to a stop. We also had to create a pose that conveys devastation.

Norton - Stuff Anthem

Norton - Stuff Anthem from Psyop on Vimeo.

September 22, 2011

AM Marathon: Class 01 - Week 04

Today's job was to animate two balls of different weights.

UPDATE: Removed stretch and tweaked trajectory based on feedback.

The Gawper

Gawper from A Large Evil Corporation on Vimeo.

September 21, 2011

The Alphabet 1 & 2

The Alphabet 2 from n9ve on Vimeo.

The Alphabet from n9ve on Vimeo.



From scRatch

From scRatch from BURAYAN on Vimeo.

AM Marathon: Class 01 - Week 03

Today's job was to animate a bouncing ball that had the weight of a Basket ball/Soccer ball, and create a pose that conveys excitement.

September 20, 2011

AM Marathon: Class 01 - Week 02

My wife and I had a fantastic day in Disneyland Paris. Lots of kids running around, and a few frustrated parents. It was fun to watch all of that!

As far as this assignment, unfortunately my scanner was giving me a hard time, but regardless, here is the pose for the day:

See you tomorrow!

September 19, 2011

AM Marathon: Class 01 - Week 01

As today is nothing more than setting up a profile picture, and introducing yourself, I decided to talk a little bit about the planning done to get through this high speed challenge.

A class is 12 "weeks" long, but the last one is always a review and no homework has to be handed in, I decided not to take it into account, which leaves me with 11 "weeks" to fit in 2. On the first week, I will go through the first 5 "weeks". On the second week, I'll go through the remaining 6 by working on Saturday (just like crunch time at the end of a production).

On a more daily basis, my goal being to never spend more than a working day per "week", each working day will go as follow:

- 8 am: Wake up
- 9 am: Ready to work, in front of the computer.

From then I work until 1 pm.

The first thing that I will do, is to read the feedback that people left on the work uploaded the day before. The feedback will be taken into account, and implemented in the upcoming work along with my notes. In a case like today, where no work has been uploaded as I am starting a new class, I will be doing a 2 week planner that will tell me what is expected to be done each day throughout the 2 weeks.

- 1 pm: Lunch break!
- 2 pm: Back to work.

Here I will just continue to work until 5 pm.

- 5 pm: Time to upload the daily work!

In case when there is a big amount of work for the day, I will allow myself to have and extra hour of work. Either or, when I'm done, it'll be time to take a small break and going away from the computer. Once Fresh air made it's way through my lungs, I'll go back to the desk or couch for a little bit, and read through the notes that I had taken for the week's lecture and Q&A when I first went through the program.

- 7 pm latest: Done!

Its is now time to relax, and enjoy the evening with my wife & friends, watch a movie, read a book or whatever I feel like doing. This part does not need planning :D

Note for tomorrow:
The work will be uploaded late in the evening, as my wife and I will be going to Disneyland during the day. The sketches will be done there, and uploaded when I come back in the evening along with the pose.

See you tomorrow!

September 13, 2011

Animation Mentor Marathon!

Hello everyone!

After having hibernated for a little while, it is time to get going again. Over the next 3 months, I will be doing the animation mentor curruculum again, but this time, in high speed!

For those of you who don't know how the school works, the program is spreaded over 6 classes, and each class contains 12 weeks. Over the next few weeks, I will replace theses "weeks" by "days". wich means it'll take me 12 days to get through a class. You will find my progress here on a daily basis and as always, feedback will be much appreciated! (You could use the comments for that).
Each working day, you will find a new post called "AMM - Class 1, Day 3" for example. The first day will be on Monday, September 19th.

This is nothing official, and Animation Mentor does not offer this option. This is a personnal project and goal to challenge my newly aqquired skills.