September 13, 2011

Animation Mentor Marathon!

Hello everyone!

After having hibernated for a little while, it is time to get going again. Over the next 3 months, I will be doing the animation mentor curruculum again, but this time, in high speed!

For those of you who don't know how the school works, the program is spreaded over 6 classes, and each class contains 12 weeks. Over the next few weeks, I will replace theses "weeks" by "days". wich means it'll take me 12 days to get through a class. You will find my progress here on a daily basis and as always, feedback will be much appreciated! (You could use the comments for that).
Each working day, you will find a new post called "AMM - Class 1, Day 3" for example. The first day will be on Monday, September 19th.

This is nothing official, and Animation Mentor does not offer this option. This is a personnal project and goal to challenge my newly aqquired skills.


Hans L said...

That's a cool idea, Richard... I like it. :-)

I think I will be following you and see how it goes, might just do the same thing sometime later...

Matthias Lappe said...

good luck man, I will definitly follow your progress